My friend, the metal clay artist

Heather Bell Denison is a brave woman. She is mother of two boys, is a trained Occupational Therapist and is a funny, funny woman. When she told me two years ago that she was leaving the comforts of her profession to become a potter, I gulped, smiled bravely for her and wished her the very best of luck. I felt a tinge of exhilaration for her…but then turned my thoughts elsewhere.

I didn’t think much of it again until I saw her at a community event…she was selling the most amazing, unique and quirky pieces of fine silver jewellery I had ever seen (including a 3D house pendant…proceeds going to a local women’s shelter). We talked and talked…and as much as she had ENJOYED the clay work, she didn’t LOVE it…until she figured out a way to work in silver the way she worked in clay…in a relatively new medium called precious metal clay. Eureka! She is a happy happy woman. And now the world cares. The world cares about people who have spark. I have zero “physical/scientific” proof of that…but it just seems right.

Heather is part of the community of inspiration that helped me to switch direction and launch my business - Board of Your Life. As such, it seemed only natural that she be the one to create a pendant for me of my logo. I give this pendant to my program alumni.


The intention of the gift is for them to be physically reminded of the brave step they took towards getting to their best selves. Not a NEW self, but their TRUE self. Which is their BEST self. (Cuff links are in the works!) The logo is also intended to be a reminder that we can always come full circle back to ourselves…that we ARE everything that we need.

It is my (admittedly lofty) hope that everyone everywhere finds and takes the opportunity to take their own life’s pulse…to ask themselves if they are being their BEST selves and living their BEST life.

With or without my pendant around their necks.

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Ray Zahab...inspiration incarnate


The Yoga Confidence