Want to work together?
You are: Audacious. Legendary. ICONIC. And one-of-a-kind.
(Let’s sidebar here for a moment. You may not see it yourself…or at least, you may not see it ALL the time, but I can. And do.)
So let’s assume I’m right about that (which, truthfully, I reckon I am):
That you are audacious, legendary and ICONIC. And one-of-a-kind.
Your coaching support should ALSO be one-of-a-kind.
AND you’re at yet another precipice of your expansion and unstoppability.
You know it’s time to jump.
And yet…you are hedging.
I get it.
Since 2007, I’ve worked with the most audacious leaders and legends who still experience
The simmering doubt of second-guessing
The sting of sabotaging thoughts
The watering down of dreams
The diminishment of goals
I want you to know, like them, that your resilience, capacity and capability has significantly more power than your doubt ever could.
I want you to fully step into your ICONIC Identity…the version of yourself we already see.
Your ICONIC Identity, of course, is the one you were born for. The one that honours your divinely appointed gifts and strengths.
Now, the Imposter Complex does NOT want you and other icons to know how ICONIC you are.
(Which is precisely why I say you can’t spell ICONIC without IC. TWICE. See that?)
The Imposter Complex WILL try to come for you as you’re starting to understand your ICONIC self, and it WILL disrupt you when you’re finally getting comfy there.

The Imposter Complex WILL try to come for you as you’re starting to understand your ICONIC self, and it WILL disrupt you when you’re finally getting comfy there.
That’s just how it works.
I am called to show you that.
And I’m called to support you in that.
And I know you are looking for the partner to support you in this next leap.
The partner who will:
- Remind you of who you are
- Show you what you are (still so much more than) capable of
- Never let you dim your brilliance
- Protect your peace as fiercely as you do
- Help elevate you to that place of unstoppability…
- …fearlessly and without projections.
A partner who will GET you to the answers to your questions:
What next?
What now?
I am that partner.
I’m Tanya Geisler and what I do better than anyone is to help bold leaders recover faster from the Imposter Complex so they can get on with their world-changing magnificence.
In boardrooms or dining room tables. From the stage or the kitchen counter. In meetings with their teams or their book clubs. On social media or on the group chats.
I have spoken with tens of thousands of leaders over the years and have worked with thousands of folks in a one-on-one capacity over the years.
My clients have sat on Oprah’s couch, have had their books on bestsellers lists, have been featured on the Today Show, are MPs, rockstar motivators, leaders of world-changing NGOs, disruptors who KNOW what works best for them.
And what works best for them isn’t an out of the box, or off-the-rack approach to their expansion.
It doesn’t work best for me either.
That’s the reason I’m now ONLY offering Bespoke Coaching packages.
Let’s be real. You are at the most successful place you’ve ever been…
for you.
You didn’t get HERE by settling into a mould of someone else’s making.
By jamming yourself into a one-size fits all coaching package or program that makes more sense for your service provider (and their bottom line) than for YOU.
So why start now?

My Bespoke Packages are exactly as they sound.
Like a fabulous suit, they are custom designed for you and you alone.
Made-to-measure to bring out the best in you, to support you in all the right places, amplify your strengths and have you strut like the power player you ARE.
Co-created by you and me, but tailor-made for you, how you move and most importantly, how you thrive.
And that STARTS with an ICONIC Spotlight Session.
For $250 USD. (And yes, that is deeply discounted from my typical coaching rate. In full transparency, it is priced to entice, but it’s also priced lower because these calls are pure joy for me too. Also yes: there are only so many of these calls I can fit on my calendar, so there is a short and clarifying application to make sure we’re a fit. More in the Fine Print Section below.)
This is a one-off one-hour session where we discuss your goals, your challenges, your desires, your timelines and how we can work together in the most aligned way for YOU.
If we decide to work together and co-create a plan, this $250 investment will get applied to your package.
And if we don’t, you’ll still walk away with clarity on what’s next, what now and how.
What could working with me look like?
Honestly, I don’t know yet. Not until I’ve seen your application that level sets where you are, where you’re going, what your capacity is, and then we get on that call.
Could be:
An on-going container with the exact right number of sessions for your goals and how you move
A one-off luxurious intensive
Quarterly virtual strategy sessions
Tailor-made retreats
Voxer support
My signature ICONIC Impact tools with some 1:1 built in
Or, any combination of the above…with some more of what you’re desiring and far less of what isn’t for you.
Because Bespoke Package means it’s exactly and precisely right for YOU.
We’ll also design the package that is most economical for you based on your budget…as well as payment plans if that makes the most sense for you.
The Fine Print:
Once you hit that button, you’ll be directed to pay the $250 and then fill out the application form. Give yourself 10 minutes to fill it out…it’s the beginning of our transformative time, so the questions are rich and deep.
Once I’ve reviewed your application and we confirm that our consultation call is a go, you'll gain access to my calendar to schedule a time that works for both of us. If I determine that your application isn't a fit for my coaching approach or how I can best support you, I will issue a full reimbursement promptly.