What people are saying


Bigger vision


“Your Impeccable Impact had me taking a massive jump from the track I was on, to another track on a much higher level.”

~ Olivia Mitchell

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“I have learned that I do have what it takes to make my business dreams real, and that I can do it in a way that feels good. Aligned and true and in integrity.”

~ Amie Ritchie

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I am the solution


Personal Growth


 "I finally have reverence for myself; and because of that I am able to occupy space (unapologetically)."

~ Cerise Sutton

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"I knew I would learn a lot in the [Your Impeccable Impact] program, but I did not know I would grow so immensely."

~ Natalie Stuart

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Leader I'm
meant to be


“My income has doubled working with Tanya and I feel a sense of rootedness and integrity in how I run my business and work with clients.”

~ Nicky West

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Caught up to my bigness

“Took me 6 years of following you on social before I knew I could trust you to hold me. Through this work I'm getting caught up to my bigness.”

~ Mara Glatzel

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my power


“Because of this work, I feel I have made significant shifts at a very deep level...I know how to succeed and not get depleted.

~ Angel Mawlabaux

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my life


“There is no greater gift than helping a person find and learn to save themselves.”

~ Felecia Scott

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Clarity + confidence

“"I lead with more certainty and clarity.”

~ Ursula Jorch

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Greater trust in myself


"I have tools to use to remind me that the doubt that shows up can't compare to what I have already done."

~ Pamela Van Nest

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Life changing

“Your Impeccable Impact was literally life changing for me. This is NOT the same old content seen through a different lens. This is about cutting to the heart of what matters -- to YOU.”

~ Amy Posner

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Focus and intention


“I have more direction and intention around the bigger goals.”

~ Holly Forman-Patel

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Confidence + certainty

“I walk through my days with a level of confidence and certainty that I have not known for quite some time.”

~ Ronna Detrick

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Business with integrity


“I now have an entire vault full of ways to discern, decide and choose what next best action/non-action to take. I can see that this opens the doors to success on my terms that simply wasn't available in the past.”

~ Jill Prescott

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Calling myself forward


"I found the courage to listen to myself and honor my higher vision."

~ Suzanne King

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The impact is joy

“I am walking away from YII with a suitcase full of gold! It has helped me find my message, overcome false beliefs, dive deep into old wounds, and identify the heart of my passions. So when I'm feeling off course, afraid, and/or unsure I can return to that spark again and again.”

~ Angelia Cook

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Tools, inspiration, & action


“I have an expanded vision for my future; the tools to recognize and take action when the IC shows up; inspiration and confidence to take more action; the courage to be a Model of Possibility and my authentic self; and a deeper connection to my inner self.”

~ Donna Hall

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Skyrocketed revenue, power, and impact


“I've 10x'd my business compared to ALL of last year!”

~ Tricia Bolender

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Impact in my life, business, & leadership


“Knowing that I am a leader helps me feel more confident in all areas of my life.”

~ Jen Kraft

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