Aliens Robots and the Imposter Complex

When I was a little girl, I was about 50% convinced that the moment I was out of earshot of another human being (mostly my family members), they would immediately turn into alien robots. In a very Scooby-Doo-esque manner, they would rip off their human masks, revealing their true identity and continue their conversation (about me, natch) in their language. I never got the sense that they were trying to take over the world (‘cause, they already had and I was the only one not in on the scheme) nor that they were particularly nefarious or intending to inflict harm on. But, they were different from me. Or rather, I was different from them.

Alone in my non-alien robottedness.

We’re talking 50% here. So the other 50% was that convinced that I was delusional…so mentioning it to anyone else would DEFINITELY put me in the alone category. Either way, I was alone.

So, I went about my days, spending half my time trying to put the ridiculous notion of alien robots out of my head. And I spent the other half of the time sneaking up on my parents in the hopes of catching them pre-mask switcheroo.

Never managed it. (Those swinging shutter doors on the kitchen were fabulous for playing saloon, but lousy for alerting my stealthy attempts with their telltale squeaks.)

Maybe this is familiar to you? Maybe instead of alien robots, maybe you see that everyone around you is supremely intelligent, fortunate, worthy, deserving and charmed, whereas you, on the other hand, are none of those things.

The masks they don to keep you feeling secure are their pretenses of normalcy, talking a good game about their insecurities, worries and Imposter Complex fears. But you know better. You know that they are brilliant beyond measure. Capable beyond imagination. Worthy beyond limitations.

You, on the other hand, are the only one scrambling to find the right path.

They’re faking dumb for you. You’re faking smart for them. In fact, they’re only PRETENDING to be fake at all. But YOU’RE the only true fake here.

Hoo boy.

(Deep breath, ok?)

I hear you. I love you. And there are a whole lotta lies that need to be busted.

And so, here is my newest gift:

May the truth truly set you free.


PS – Welcome to my newly refreshed digital home. Hoping you feel comfortable and find everything you need. Massive love and thanks to Erin Cassidy for the gorgeous new site design and Arwyn Todd for the development. And the love. And the patience. And the care.

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Monday Morning Tenders


Today, I’m a Mama-missing Mama