End Sex Trafficking Day

Of all the unfathomable atrocities that I try not to think about, human slavery and the sale of women and children around the world as sex slaves ranks just about as high as possible. Thankfully, not everyone is as ostrich-like as I. Enter 
Erin Giles and her vision: End Sex Trafficking Day.

She's creating a book by assembling sixty writers (think: Seth Godin, Dyana Valentine, Pam Slim, Mark Silver, Tara Sophia Mohr and ME) to contribute essays about love, freedom + knowledge. (I weighed in on love).

Every dollar raised in the sale of this book of love will go directly to the Not For Sale Campaign.

This book, in Erin’s words, will set people free.

I believe it.

She’s launched a 30-day giving campaign to raise the funds necessary to get this book printed. She’s made a good dent in her $10,000 target, and has a ways to go yet.

I’ve given. And there’s still more for me to give.

I’ve created a coaching offer for 5 people who want to give too. AND to end something in their own lives and worlds.

The “What wants to end?” Session

Make a $100 donation and get a one-hour Skype/ Phone session with me. In that time, we’ll laser in on what in your life is in the way of your glorious path. And end its reign.

Just came up with this so there’s no fancy sales page.  But here’s how it will work:

  • Visit the End Sex Trafficking Day site (and just try not to be moved by Erin's video).

  • Make a donation of $100 or more.

  • Forward a copy of your receipt to me via email.

  • I’ll send you a link to my calendar and some juicy questions to get you going.

Big ol’ caveat: I’m nearing the finish line of the Board of Your Life Kit launch so sessions won’t happen before April 23rd.  

If this offer isn't for you and you'd still like to help:

Please visit End Sex Trafficking Day site and allow your inspiration and compassion to guide you.


Wishes for my 8-year old Birthday Girl + one for me


The Finish Line