It's a GOLDEN Day!!

Creative? (Check.)

Female entrepreneur? (Yup.)

Loving what you do? (With all my heart.)

Longing to form beautiful alliances? (Oh yes)

Missing the feeling of abundance when it comes to your offerings/finances/opportunities/client love? (Absolutely.)

Welcome in The Golden Ticket!

With you, your business, your essence and your deepest desires in mind, Michelle Ward and I have lovingly created what we think is unlike anything that's been done before. We've spent a combined 100 hours just on crafting the program and offer alone, as we refused to rest (just ask our husbands) on anything that was less than a stellar, unique, engaging, ground-breaking, lightbulb-moment-inducing program. The number of times we Skype high-fived and happy-danced is actually quite preposterous.

From the moment you get on the first call, to the moment we clink our glasses in NYC right after you have your Golden Time in the Spotlight (aka a stage in a black box theatre!!!) you will feel held, cared for, championed, inspired, motivated and absolutely clear on how to move your business forward in a way that hand-holds who you are, what you stand for, and who you serve.

We only created 30 Golden Tickets (we want to keep this intimate), and 10 have already been claimed at posting time, so go claim yours… we can't wait to serve you.

Click here to become a Golden Goddess.

And speaking of Golden Time in the Spotlight: my time with Jamie Ridler!!!!!

Joy oh joy!!!! I was invited to speak with my friend Jamie Ridler on her beloved podcast: Creative Living with Jamie. I’m seriously honoured and deeply grateful. First of all, the very ESSENCE of Jamie is golden (spend just one minute listening to her voice, reading her words or being in her presence and you’ll know EXACTLY what I mean). And secondly, she just has the most incredible way of inviting you to go deeper, think deeper, feel deeper with most miraculous blend of sister energy, Obi Wan wisdom, sparkly shimmer, and show-stopping Rock Star. She is truly remarkable and truly masterful.

We spoke about creativity, the (okay, MY) creative process, and some strategies to

I hope you’ll give it a listen. I hope you’ll sign up for Jamie’s podcast. I hope you’ll be inspired.

And here’s what I really hope you take away:

I believe that you were born to create. I want you to believe that too. I want you to believe there is untold and unexpressed beauty within you yearning to be released. It needs to trust that you will not judge its imperfections, nor try to force it into something it’s not. That you will love it for what it is. And that in time, when you have nurtured this tender new growth into the fulsome being that it wants to be, that you will lovingly release it into the world, so that others may rejoice in the beauty: of your words. Of your song. Of your silverwork. Of your adornment. Of your art.

I want you to create for you. And THEN spread it around. With joy and abandon.

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Today is End Sex Trafficking Day


Thing Finding Thursday with Kate Swoboda