Launching, Telejams, and a “Just Because” Gift…my favourite kind

Continuity alert. This may well be THE most disjointed post I’ve written yet. That I didn’t fret for hours trying to string it together into a sweet and melodic narrative is equal parts testament to how smart I know you to be AND sheer exhaustion.


I’m exhausted because I launched my Step into Your Starring Role program to my email list over the weekend and am opening registration up to the public today. Right now. In this moment.

And frankly, launching anything is fearsome business.

Will they show up?

Did I cross all the “t’s” and dot the ”i’s”?

Am I doing the right things?

Have I covered all the bases?

Am I ready?

Is everything perfect?

If any of those questions are answered with no, it feels like disaster will strike. So we very often don’t launch. Anything.

{Trust me. I hear that..."DISASTER". The bigness of that language doesn’t escape me. As wars rage and children are hungry and the sex trade endures and political prisoners are being tortured and cancer destroys families and atrocities are being committed in our own backyards…and. To say it’s” hard to reconcile” transcends the meaning of “putting it mildly”.}

And yet, here I am. Talking about launching.

This is part of the work I’m doing in the world. Not all of it. But much of it. Feeling fears, answering calls and going forward. Working with others to do the same. Ultimately, it’s the work all of us are doing.

So yeah. Today I’m launching Step into Your Starring Role, the 12-week coaching program that I’ve been crafting and finessing since New Year’s Day. It’s the very best of all the coaching I’ve done since I started in 2007. And it’s kind of like the practicum of my TEDx talk on Owning our Authority.

The Dress Rehearsal earlier this year was a smashing success. Here’s what some of the former participants had to say about the content, the community, the action and accountability and working with me.

Right? I know. Awesome women.

And I’ll be honest…when we opened pre-registration to my list over the weekend, I was met with immediate sign-ups. The most incredible women have started to show and I couldn't be happier. Very quickly most of my pre-launch jitters vanished.

They’re coming! They’re really coming!

I actually began to fret that all of the spots would be gone before I opened to the public. Definitely a champagne problem. And then….nothing. The sign-ups ground to a halt.

I spent the weekend being the coward who’s died a thousand deaths. Preoccupied with registration numbers. Fretting about said dotted i’s and crossed t’s. The typo(s) in the email to my list. Considering abandoning the plans I’ve been crafting for MONTHS.

What I’m awake to is how all or nothing the ego likes to have it be. There would be an avalanche of interest OR a desert of ambivalence.

The reality lands somewhere in the middle.

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m hopeful that the right people will find it. That it’s the right time for them. That it meets people where they are and gives them what they need to get to where they want to go.

I’m also hoping that it won’t consume my thoughts for the next month. I’ve allowed for a long registration period (until Sept 20th) so people have plenty of time to be sure it’s right for them. It’s not an insignificant ticket price, so I also get that people need to make sure it’s a financial fit. (And the reason we’re offering payment plans).

But ultimately, whether they show up, or don’t, I will continue to do the work I’m here to do in the world. Helping people to step into their starring role. So they can create the lives of their dreams. Right in the middle of all and nothing.


Over the next several weeks, I’ll be speaking with some of my very favourite women LIVE via Spreecast about how they’ve stepped into their starring roles. And boy howdy, have they ever.

Kate Swoboda! Tara Gentile! Kate Northrup

Stars, each of them, who have faced their fears and launched anyways. Who have faced critics and solderied on. Who continue to inspire, teach and lead even when….

Beacons of brilliance, each of them, who have boldly stepped into their own starring roles.

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Just start.


"Hesitating Beauty"