Loving my Life like it’s Golden

When we were young, just out of university, my now-husband worked for Harlequin Entreprises, (and the endured the requisite Fabio jokes - being a blonde hunka-hunka himself). He was well-immersed in a culture of chocolates and roses and cards. So, no matter how poor we were, I never did too badly in the tokens-of-love department on February 14th. And though I would (of course) appreciate the sweetness of the intention, there was always a “should” quality to the day that never quite sat right with either of us. Besides, it was always the evening that capped the day that was the highlight. What I had appreciated as a child was the quiet contemplation of love + gratitude that Valentines’ Day afforded. Devoted time to consider how I felt about my wee friends as I would write out their wee valentines. Some hurried years, I’d fill out bought cards from the pharmacy, labouriously deliberating over which pun would be most appreciated by which classmate. Other, more relaxed years, my Mama and I would handcraft the cards, gluing hearts, ribbons and sprinkles onto doilies. I would give a great deal of thought about the choice between “to/dear” and “from/love” for each recipient. Nuance matters.

As the “shouldness” of the day became too…much, and we’ve abandoned the tokens-of-love checklist, we’ve continued the tradition of slowing down and spending the evening together (sometimes alone, sometimes with our kid for a family date night). And I’ve tried to uphold that practice contemplating love + gratitude.

Here’s a round-up of where I’ve been working and what I’ve been loving since the beginning of 2013. The two seem blessedly and inextricably linked.

Loving in my work

This year started with surges of goodness for a number of clients. I can’t reveal much, but there has been a launch,  new product streams mapped out, a dreamy house purchase and some other shifts that have been wanting to happen for some time. Thrilling to bear witness to.

Golden Ticket

Oh. My. Word. This 12 week Golden Ticket program that Michelle Ward and I co-created was beyond my grandest expectations. We got to work with an incredible group of women entrepreneurs and helped them gain clarity in their audience, message and offerings and then rolled all that goodness into a day of shooting their “about me” videos in NYC last week.

It was simply outstanding.

Michelle did a fabulous job recapping the program and video shoot here and some of the Golden Goddesses shared their perspectives here, here, and here. I am still swimming in the delight of the sparkly, bubbly, golden glow that was the whole experience. And yeah, there was champagne. To say that I am looking forward to witnessing this group of women soar to new heights in their businesses is a gross understatement.


Also an understatement:: to say we cannot wait to run the program all over again. (Sign up for early notice here).

Loving in the work of others

I am well-surrounded by inspiration. We all are. And today, I’m appreciating the groundswell of commitment created by Eve Ensler around One Billion Rising…I can almost feel the earth moving with dance. (I’ve pledged…you?)

I also love witnessing people happily ensconced projects that really and truly speak to their wealth of natural abilities, loves, and desires (aff link), or cravings.  Also, The Body Stories is making me happy today. It’s a gorgeous compilation by Sas that I am thrilled to have contributed to. I’m also enjoying the mission behind Harvesting Happiness Radio and was thrilled to be their guest. Lisa and I talked about love, happiness, and imposter complex…listen here.

Loving in my life

You know I love me lots of things. And so far in 2013, I’m really appreciating:: a refreshed office with spaaaaaaaaace. Finding my ski legs again after 15 (16?) years. The fact that I have neither lost my new Lamy fountain pen nor have killed my magenta orchid. One successful surgery (and recovery) in my family. Making homemade pasta with my man. The tender beginnings of my new 4(-ish) am practice of yoga followed by writing. And always, always love.

Thank you for sitting at my table with me as I wrote out these valentines.

I would love, love, LOVE to hear from you. What are you appreciating, enjoying and loving?



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Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Turning Corners


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