Regiving Kindness and Laughter

To me, kindness and laughter make this gorgeous orb go round. And I suspect you believe the same.

So you KNOW that I jumped all over the chance to talk about both when the wondrous Amanda Oaks of Kind Over Matter invited me answer the following:

What small act of kindness were you once shown that you will never forget?

What was one of the funniest experiences of your life, one where you laughed from your core?

The result is a gorgeous compilation of 30 stories each of kindness and laughter (60 in all) peppered with beautiful and inspiring art. It’s called “Regiving”. Can you imagine two things that are more wondrous to regift? Me neither.

I am beyond honoured to be included in this book. I mean really…the contributors’ list is a who’s who of marvellousness. I’m in there with 29 other writers I dig and admire (like the sublimely hot-in-every-way Dyana Valentine, breathtaking Julie Daley, lustrous Jamie Ridler, sparkling Tia Singh, awesome Fabeku Fatunmise and jubilant Michelle Ward to name but a few. Seriously…I could go on: Jonathan Mead, Ev’Yan Nasman, Goddess Leonie, Susannah Conway, Kate Swoboda. Ok, ok...I’ll stop, even though I reallllllllly don't want to).

Go on and grab your copy of Regiving {affiliate link…I love it that much}.

AND, if you are so moved, in the comments below, please share YOUR never-to-be-forgotten kindness story that helped shape who you are today AND one story of laughing so hard you may have even peed (quite a common side effect, it turns out - you are not alone).

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Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


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