Saying "NAY" to the naysayers

Listen to the MUSTN’Ts, child Listen to the DON’TS Listen to the SHOULDN’TS, The IMPOSSIBLES, the WON’TS Listen to the NEVER HAVES, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child ANYTHING can be. -- Shel Silverstein

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about Ray Zahab and his incredible journeys…both physical and emotional. I heard back from a lot of people saying they were incredibly moved by his tenacity...I hope they shared that with him too.

Part of his story that really resonated with me was the number of people that showed up for him right before his first race (100 miles in the Yukon no less…please, if you haven’t read the post, please do so’s wild). They said he couldn’t do it…and was crazy for even trying. (BTW - if I could SCRIPT the voices of my own saboteurs, they’d say just those very things…so to have people actually SAY those words to me would be devastating.) Ray kept on going, regardless…sticks and stones and all the rest.

And guess what happened in that race? Not only did he FINISH…he WON!!!! This is the stuff that movies are made of. WOO HOOO!!!!!!!

So...why DO we pay to see these stories in the movies?? Because we always tell ourselves we can’t do what’s in our heart…and to have others validate that for us can be crushing…but almost a relief in that it “permits” us to not go on.

But sometimes we do go on.

I bet we’ve all done something more courageous than we think…and were probably told not to bother even trying. Feel like sharing your moment?

I’ll start: When others thought I shouldn’t, I listened to my heart and did the hard thing…and am grateful every day that I did.

What did you enjoy getting right that others thought you’d get wrong?

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Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Me, my Boss, and I


Why the media likes to suck lulu-lemons...