Thank you. Again.

Last Friday was a complete and utter whirlwind of loveliness.

It was my 40th birthday and it was Pay What You Choose Day for Board of Your Life. Which meant for the vast majority of the day, I was receiving Facebook messages, tweets, phone calls, emails and every other manner of missive. Every last piece of digital love went into my “YAY” folder and notes went into my actual “YUM + YAY” folder. (Blues-busters…both of them: highly recommend.) My folders and my heart are bursting at the seams.

I spent much of the weekend in a bit of a dazed afterglow and kept feeling the tug to create some meaningful “lessons” for you, my readers. (I want everyone to have such a day.)

And it’s kind of a challenge to tease out the learnings because I collapsed two events people seem to care about (my birthday + Pay What You Choose Day) into one day. I mean, the fine folks at Facebook made sure my FB world knew it was my birthday with their handy-dandy side bar. But as far as the Board of Your Life offer that I wanted to reach many many people, well, that was up to me.

There are two things I want you to know:

1) If you want to throw a party, you have to invite some people. You have to ASK THEM TO SHOW UP. If you live in any social media space, there is a decent chance you came across a mention of my birthday or offer from someone other than me. It’s important for me that you know that I ASKED friends for help in spreading the word so that:

a) you don’t have some belief that I am just lucky enough to have people falling all over themselves to help me (triggering any sort of: “why don’t people do that for me” story line.)

b) you know that I walk my talk. I make asks. I send heart-in-my-throat requests that make me feel like I am asking for too much. (But knowing that the ask was reasonable, specific, brief, and respectful, I felt pretty confident pressing “send”.)

2) People are generous. In particular, YOUR people. Yes, they are generous and kind and want what you have to offer. I have said this time and time again. And while this is a fundamental belief that I hold, I hold it LIGHTLY in my hands so that I don’t crush it, leaving space for the wonder when it reveals itself. In that way, and like the smell of crisp fall air, it never ceases to amaze and thrill me.

There is much, MUCH more for me to crystallize from the day (in particular, the Pay What You Choose experience), but I have a ton of thank you notes to write, so for now let me just say, once again, THANK YOU. For being here, for showing up, for YOUR generosity, for asking for what you want and for helping me to grow.

With full heart,

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Thing Finding Thursday with Kate Swoboda


Pay What You Choose Board of Your Life Birthday-ness!!!!!!