Today’s Thing Finding Thursday is brought to you by the word: Ease

On this path to finding, claiming, or wooing your thing, there can be the propensity to white-knuckle it.

Today, my first request is:


If you’ve been following this series, and listening to the combined wisdom of Pam, Kelly, Chris, Dyana, Jenny, Amy and Mary-Margaret, then you are well your way. If you’re citing your ingredients, noticing what lights you up, recognizing the impact you want to make in the world, engaging in willing (and playful) experimentation, playing at being an investigative reporter, talking to people who know you, then you are well, WELL on your way.

Find peace with not knowing (or holding) the answers. Yet.

Celebrate what you do KNOW. What you DO have. Give thanks.



don't sweat it.

it will come.



be merry.

If you’re NOT celebrating Thanksgiving, my request is the same:



don't sweat it.

it will come.



be merry.

I want you to believe that you know the difference between right and right now. – Dyana Valentine

Be kind to yourself and have it be easy. You’re getting there. Promise.

Love, Tanya

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Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.


Setting Yourself up for Success in 2012 in Seven Easy Steps (and Ginsu Knives)


Thing Finding Thursday with Pam Slim of Escape from Cubicle Nation