Bigger Vision
“Before working with Tanya, I was making progress but I was on a track which simply continued what I had been doing before. I was going to be continuing to run my online program, continuing to be visible on Facebook.
Your Impeccable Impact had me taking a massive jump from the track I was on, to another track on a much higher level. It took me onto a completely different trajectory. YII helped me see that I was ready to write the Tiny Acts of Courage book. YII helped me to identify the blocks that would try and get in my way. YII helped me to dream big, and to build the mindset to deliver that dream.
Rather than continuing to run just another online program I now have a 10 year vision for building the Tiny Acts of Courage Empire.
I know there's nothing that I cannot do, if I put my mind to it.”
~ Olivia Mitchell
“As a result of Your Impeccable Impact, I have learned that I do have what it takes to make my business dreams real, and that I can do it in a way that feels good. Aligned and true and in integrity.
I have learned that my presence is powerful and loving, in and of itself.
I have learned that my imposter will continue to show up, but I have also learned my favorite tools to meet it and keep it at bay.
I have learned how to create and launch a program that gets results and feels good.
I have learned that my impact starts within me.
I have learned to own and claim what and who I want to be, and I've learned how to support myself when that feels sticky.
I have learned what honest, generous, impactful, transformative, loving leadership looks like (from Tanya), and I can see it rising in myself too.
I have learned which practices really truly support me and my mindset, and how to meet them.
I have learned and been reminded how much I know and have learned through this journey into coaching and business and how my voice is important - even when it sounds and looks like so many others. Mine is mine, and it's needed for those who are going to hear it.
I feel alive again and my soul and purpose and all of those words that I felt out of reach with have come back home.”
~ Amie Ritchie
Greater trust in myself
“Before I signed up for the Your Impeccable Impact program, I was not actively planning anything for my business. I was in neutral. In talking with Tanya, I realized I wanted to carry on, that I was neglecting my gifts, and that I was not holding myself in reverence. Now, I know that I will be the source of my inspiration of my joy for my life, business, and leadership. I will know my boundaries and practice Dynamic Self-Compassion, safeguarding, animating, and sustaining my purpose. It feels powerful, effective, doable. Success is not whether I give this retreat or that, speak here or there, it is how I approach everything as a Compassionate Powerhouse which is my Radiant Essence. I feel more confident in making asks. I have tools to use to remind me that the doubt that shows up can't compare to what I have already done. I can trust my decisions and can stand behind them making sure they align with my values.”
~ Pam Van Nest
Skyrocketed revenue, power, and impact
“First, Tanya is the real deal. She has many super powers, and one is really SEEING and understanding individuals -- meeting them where they are, and then supremely pushing them outside their comfort zone in the best of ways, knowing they already have wings (disguised as shoulder blades) and are ready to fly.
Through this work...I was finally able to claim my own authority. But more than that is the mindset piece around finally stepping into my own power; and knowing I now get to help my clients do the same.
I am done playing small, hiding, and fearing failure. Life is too short and there is so much we can collectively do to improve the world we live in. I long to make a difference in this world, and through this work, I have the courage and bravery to put myself out there and do so. The impact of this work is that I now stand in my Sacred Power, and I help leaders and change makers stand in their Sacred Power as well -- so that they can lead with their whole selves and be the leaders they were always meant to be.
There is an inner knowing and trusting of the wisdom that lives inside of me -- the divine wisdom that was always there, but had been blocked after decades of people pleasing and hustling for approval. I can now consistently and reliably go back and connect with that inner wisdom and lead from there. I have faith in myself and how I can support leaders and change makers in healing and changing the world for the better. I no longer silence myself in meetings or on social media. I inherently feel that my voice is worthy, and because of that, everyone's voice is worthy and needed to heal our world. I've also looked at my rates in a completely different way. Because I so strongly believe in the gifts I have to offer the world and also know how much time I want to be spending with my family, I am much more discerning on the clients I will work with and strongly believe in the value I am able to offer them as a partner in their journey. I no longer cringe at the question: "What do you do?" I know what I'm here to do deep in my bones.
(Halfway through the year) I've already 10x'd my coaching business compared to ALL of last year!”
~ Tricia Bolender
The leader I'm meant to be
“Before joining Your Impeccable Impact, the work I was doing no longer felt fully aligned with who I was becoming. I wanted to make a greater impact and have a bigger influence on the direction we're taking as a global community, even though I wouldn't have been able to describe it like this before YII. I also wanted to uplevel my business, care for myself and do work that is less physical and engaged my mind, heart and talents more readily. It was time.
As a result of this work, my life is already changing. I've found the confidence to speak up for myself and ask for what I need in order to do this work because I understand the level of integrity and focus this requires. I feel grounded and clear in my intention and words. I see the great value and potential in the work I'm offering. It may open doors that weren't visible before, and lead to having a much greater impact than I am currently able to achieve.
My income has doubled working with Tanya and I feel a sense of rootedness and integrity in how I run my business and work with clients. I can see the potential impact of my calling and work to make a huge difference in people, particularly those who identify as women. For them to use their voice, speak up for themselves, advocate for the changes they want to see and align with what is true for them in relation to the world around. I feel genuinely re-energised and passionate to expand this work to more people who need it. I'm not letting the imposter complex lead, instead, I've found the courage and conviction to move forward with confidence and I'm finally taking action with great results for clients which brings me so much joy and fulfilment.
I am finally feeling like the leader I'm meant to be and the future looks and feels aligned, true and very bright, despite the huge challenges facing our planet and people right now.
As a final comment, I found huge value in simply observing the intelligent and clear way this program is laid out, combining coaching, community and teaching, it brings all the essential elements together to create real lasting change. The program is steeped in grounded, researched teachings that have many years of being fine-tuned, the community element is more like a high-level mastermind and the coaching is the icing on the cake, observing how Tanya models this element is the best coach training I could've received. On the calls, everyone was heard, celebrated, offered guidance if asked for. There are clear guidelines and no pressure, we're each responsible for doing the work and at the same time, there is a great deal of accountability, deep care and genuine support baked in.”
~ Nicky West
License to be bold!
“I had worked with Tanya before and her coaching had helped me move my business forward. And while I was feeling really good about my business, I also felt like I was stuck in some of the same behaviors I was coaching my clients through. If I wanted to be able to really serve them and grow the business, I needed to develop reverence for my work, a deeper sense of self-worth, and truly take up space as a professional healer
I now have a license to be bold! I feel more confident. I feel more comfortable taking up space with my marketing, social media, opinions, offerings, emails. I don't feel as much like there is something I'm trying to prove; I'm just trying to get the message out to as many people as possible.
I feel more aware of the depth of my work and my right to be in reverence of my work – I don't have to ask anyone else for permission.
I feel a lot more willing to take risks, to be really repetitive and clear in my marketing, to call it like I see it with clients. And that makes clients trust me more because they see that I can handle them and I can handle the business; I don't need their validation that it's all working or that I am worth their money. And I'm able to try new things and switch it up because I also have the right to switch gears when something isn't working. Even with this most recent launch I did, I remembered to ask myself: "what do I want?" And to build my launch around that instead of around advice from random experts.
Now, I can sense when I am being driven by my imposter: I feel like I need to read more, prepare more, get validation that I'm going to be okay. And instead of doing all of that, I connect to the identity I chose in the program and allow myself to sink back into my true identity, true calling, and basic worth.
I see now that most of the times when I am feeling insecure or low-energy, all I need to do is come back to the truth about myself and my business with some quick YII tools. Once I do those, I feel confident again. And I'm reminded that I am not supposed to be perfect; it's okay that I'm winging it. I'm meant to be pushing my edge.”
~ Johannah Bogart
Owning my power
“Before joining Your Impeccable Impact, I felt inwardly strong - in my identity, my music, my purpose.
However, I did not feel outwardly strong – in my ability to achieve my goals, make an impact, lead, or be received with warmth and love.
I wanted to be more visible on stage and on social media, but I was held back by self-doubt. I was afraid of exclusion, rejection, judgement, criticism and ridicule.
Because of this work, I feel I have made significant shifts at a very deep level.
I now have a Brand of Joy that can guide me through my decisions and where I spend my precious resources.
I know how to root into my truth so deeply the opinions of others don't matter.
I know that I am worthy of help - and people are willing to help me (this was a big one).
I know how to succeed and not get depleted.
I know how to respect my gift.
That I have my own kind of POWER and it's not what I thought.
AND I achieved my big leap goal.
I am very excited about what’s to come. Like this is just the beginning. I have so much more to give that I’m ready for."
~ Angel Mawlabaux
Impact in my life, business, and leadership
“Before YII, never in my life felt like I was a leader. That word felt too big and too scary. I was pulling together my authority thesis, I found a resume that I wrote prior to college where I clearly wrote lead teacher, lead instructor, head of....which were all true statements and realized back then I was calling myself a leader without fear. In YII I learned/relearned that I AM a Leader and that the impact I want to make in the world requires my leadership.
Now I feel like I have so much more "underneath" me and supporting me - a greater foundation to stand on in life, business, and leadership. With this foundation more present and solid I feel like it is exactly what I need in order to lead with more confidence, clarity, purpose, and grace. I now have a better sense of who I am, more reverence for myself, and a deeper sense of what I stand for and what is important to me. Standing in my truth and grounding into my purpose with greater reverence for myself will ripple out into my personal and professional life. I feel like I've stepped into the me that I'm meant to be. That means that I am creating a livelihood that serves me even more - even more joy, even more financial abundance, even more creativity, freedom, connection, and delight. And I believe that I will be serving more people than I imagined I might ever serve.
I have confidence in calling myself a leader. I have confidence that I have all the credentials, knowledge, and skills I need in order to lead effective, powerful, life changing, and world changing programs and experiences right now (not after I get more training, more practice, more skills). That is not to say that I won't continue to learn, grow. and expand, but I'm ready now to lead with impact. And I am.
Knowing that I am a leader helps me feel more confident in all areas of my life. Leadership is a practice. As a leader of my life and business, I practice choosing things that provide me with joy and a sense of feeling alive and vibrant. I make choices that allow me freedom and connection. All of these are components of my Brand of Joy. I feel greater capacity to lead others in their personal and professional lives so that they can feel that same sense of aliveness, vibrancy, joy, connection and freedom.
Thank you, Tanya for infusing reverence into YII.”
~ Jen Kraft
Clarity + Confidence
“I don't use the word, 'expert' lightly. Tanya’s coaching is among the best money I ever spent on my own development, which so essential to impact. Tanya is a remarkable coach: compassionate, incisive, and oh so clear.
After Your Impeccable Impact, I feel more confident. It's much easier to ask for what I want. I celebrate much more readily and deeply. I receive acknowledgment more deeply. I lead with more certainty and clarity.”
~ Urusla Jorch
I am the solution
“I now have the courage to think bigger, knowing I have all the tools and skills needed to become the solution. And the impact will be one of sincere human connection (personally) and COLLECTIVE transformation (professionally). I finally have reverence for myself; and because of that I am able to occupy space (unapologetically). I now feel that the future and direction of my leadership is leading me to a destination that is assured.”
~ Cerise Sutton
Life Changing
"Your Impeccable Impact was literally life changing for me. This is NOT the same old content seen through a different lens. This is about cutting to the heart of what matters -- to YOU. The work is deep, but not hard to do, and the results are so worth any effort you expend (and it’s about improving your life, so hard to go wrong spending effort there..!).
This work isn’t about your business or your personal life -- it’s about where the two intersect so you get the most out of your entire life. So you can embody the goals you’ve dreamed about, but have maybe seemed just out of your reach -- that was absolutely the case for me. With Tanya’s help I finally managed to pivot my business in a way that’s stumped me for two full years -- and during a pandemic! I wasn’t done with the program before I started seeing the benefits. My only question for Tanya was: how do I continue working with you? Sign me up.
I’ve worked with a good number of coaches and personal development leaders over the years. Most have one lane. Tanya blows me away. She’s smart as a whip, funny, kind and compassionate and dare I say Freaking Brilliant at her work. I didn’t expect such concrete business advice from her during this program -- but I got some of the best, clearest input I’ve ever had. I'm feeling my own power and the power of what other's see in me. I'm feeling grounded in the pivot -- like it's mine to do, the work is -- the people are proving it to me. I'm finally ready to see what's right in front of me! If you’re thinking it might be time for you to break through what’s in the way of your success -- I can’t recommend Your Impeccable Impact strongly enough."
Focus and intention
“I had many projects that I wanted to create but I never seemed to be able to take the space to do one completely. I would jump on the next task offered, usually by an outside source, which would become complete, but my own personal projects that were me-lead were not being done.
After the program, I have better work-life balance. I have more direction and intention around the bigger goals. I’m coming to terms with what I want vs what I do not want. I’m gaining the courage to lean into it, regardless of what others might think. More expansiveness!
All of this just makes me more of the thought leader, healer, etc that I want to be. It assists me in truly showing up as myself, unabashedly.”
~ Holly Forman-Patel
The impact is joy
Before I came to Tanya I was stuck. Call it Writer's Block. Call it Procrastination. Call it FEAR! I was afraid to use my voice. I was afraid to say the wrong thing. I was afraid to shine. I was hiding out and playing small.
I had something to say, but I wasn't saying it. I'd been writing a book for seven years. I was at a point where I was beginning to realize it wasn't the point or the message of the book that was holding me back, though that is what I kept telling myself. No, I was holding myself back. I called it perfectionism at the time. I started following Tanya on all of her social media channels, listening to her Podcast, subscribing to her content, AND really digging into her work with the Imposter Complex. I found a name for what was happening. Then I wanted a why.
I am walking away from YII with a suitcase full of gold! I now not only know how the Imposter Complex generally shows up, but how it specifically shows up for me. AND, why. That why is huge. I was scared of my why before but now I understand her. There is so much love and grace in that!
NOW, I can finish the book. (Which I finally typed THE END while in Tanya's program.) NOW, I can return to the revisions, honing the message I want to tell so that I can confidently share it with the world. NOW, I can create the impact, healing, and presence I want to share.
The impact is joy. Again and again and again, when I return to the truths that Tanya led me to I will always return to my own personal brand of joy.
The Your Impeccable Impact program has given me the clarity I needed to see my vision, my legacy of all that I could create on the other side of fear.It has helped me find my message, overcome false beliefs, dive deep into old wounds, and identify the heart of my passions. So when I'm feeling off course, afraid, and/or unsure I can return to that spark again and again.
Tanya has created a life-changing and life-affirming program.”
~ Angelia Cook
Confidence + certainty
“The more that I read my II Statement, believe in the role I have chosen for myself, and hold fast to the values that inculcate my Brand of Joy, I am, quite simply, myself. And that...seeing me, allowing me, honoring me, celebrating me - is powerful territory. It changes everything. Though my focus has been on my business throughout this program, I can see the tendrils that wind around my heart, my personal life, my choices, every aspect of who I am. I'm profoundly grateful.
I feel solid, compelled, and focused. More than all else, I feel deeply present to who I am and what I have to offer - aware that the only thing that could get in the way is, well, me! And I have the tools to pay attention to this, to step forward anyway and again, and to persist. I also feel VERY committed to remaining focused on WHO I am being more than WHAT I am accomplishing or the results I am seeing. That feels much more important and aligned with my own integrity and authenticity. It also gives me a sense of freedom, even permission, to do what I'm here to do - no matter what.
I feel even more clear on my purpose, my vision, my raison d'etre. I walk through my days with a level of confidence and certainty that I have not known for quite some time. And I know the freedom and strength inherent in living a life that is 100% my own.”
~ Ronna Detrick
Business with integrity
I was at a crossroads in my business, knowing that I had finally hit on something after 9 years that had the potential to completely alter my experience as an entrepreneur. I just kept running into road blocks, shutting down and sabotaging my own damn self with no idea why. I saw the potential for The TRUTH Method™ to be foundational. The idea was big, bold and I knew in my heart it would change peoples lives. I wasn't willing to simply give up.
So I said YES to Your Impeccable Impact.
I now know:
1. Gather your people.
2. There is no one way.
3. Get to know your particular brand of imposter complex well so that you can love it through its fears for you.
4. Show up. Then show up and show up and show up.
5. There are others out there, many many others, just as committed as I am to doing business with integrity.
6. Cheering other women on is magical.
7. Not every solution is action based.
8. To be seen and witnessed by other powerful women can change your life.
Already I know myself as much more capable than I did before. Moving forward when I feel stuck or out of sorts, I now have an entire vault full of ways to discern, decide and choose what next best action/non-action to take. I can see that this opens the doors to success on my terms that simply wasn't available in the past.
I have gotten more done in the last 3 months in my business than I have in a very long time. At times in the past I was 'busy' but not productive. That happens less and less and I catch it quickly. I know how to pivot, honour what would best serve me in that moment and create space to come back to the work fully engaged.
I am sharing more of myself in ways that create a direct and trackable impact. I ask for help now with confidence and grace. I can and will do the things that will cause the results that I desire, one step, one moment, one year at a time. I will do so with the support of others on this journey aligned with my values and just as willing to keep stepping in.”
~ Jill Prescott
Tools, inspiration and action
"Before joining Your Impeccable Impact, I knew I was being held back, by myself. And I knew that in order to truly live into my purpose I would have to learn how to get out of my own way. I needed to change my limiting beliefs.
As a result of Your Impeccable Impact program:
My confidence is way up!
I'm exploring new ways of sharing my knowledge with folks in ways that feel good.
I've increased my rates to match the value I provide.
I feel more connected with Team Donna as I'm sharing more about my challenges and asking for support.
I've had hard conversations that have cleared up expectations.
I have new boundaries.
I have raised the bar.
I also have new connection with amazing, inspirational humans; an expanded vision for my future; the tools to recognize and take action when the IC shows up; inspiration and confidence to take more action; the courage to be a Model of Possibility and my authentic self; a deeper connection to my inner self; and, a deeper understanding/appreciation for the importance of continuing to learn about myself.
I just wished the program would never end!!!
Tanya, I really cannot thank you enough. Somehow you appeared in my life exactly when I needed you! XO"
~ Donna Hall
Calling myself forward
“I have tools now to help me recognize certain thought patterns and navigate those with various exercises and serve my higher purpose (and see my vision through) whether I'm afraid or not.
When I hear myself asking, "who am I to...?" I always go back to our conversations and the work and find a new way of seeing my work and my purpose and how to serve in ways that ask, "who am I not to?" or, "there's no more time to waste with diminishing thoughts or hiding or or or -- the planet and my soul are calling me forward, and honoring it is more important than my ego's worries."
I found the courage to listen to myself and honor my higher vision.”
~ Suzanne King
Personal Growth
“I knew I would learn a lot in the [Your Impeccable Impact] program, but I did not know I would grow so immensely.”
~ Natalie Stuart
Changed my life
“I have enjoyed every moment of being in the Your Impeccable Impact program. It was tough don't get me wrong, but it really does change your life. It changed mine. I didn't it know it back then when we had our first call.
There are a million different reasons why we feel trapped mentally and in life. For me it was doubt, fear and insecurity. Tanya, there is no greater gift than helping a person find and learn to save themselves. I learned that no one can save Felecia, except Felecia. Once I found me again, it all came together. It's pretty awesome to find your coven of soul sisters to share your fears, tears and joy with.
I want to thank you and the ladies for everything.”
Caught up to my bigness
“Took me 6 years of following you on social before I knew I could trust you to hold me. Through this work I'm getting caught up to my bigness.”
~ Mara Glatzel