Five Useful Metaphors about the Imposter Complex

Let’s do a recap of what we know to be true about the Imposter Complex by now, shall we?

We know it wants to keep us out of action. It’s an instrument of evolution, designed to ensure folks don’t evolve too quickly.

We know it wants to keep us alone and isolated, disconnecting us from our most fundamental need to belong

We know it wants to have us doubt our capacity, making every time we step up to do our meaningful work or say the hard thing that much more challenging. (“Who do you think YOU are?” and all that.)

We know it accomplishes this by having us believe 12 specific lies.

We know it bullies us into hiding out in specific habits: perfectionism, procrastination, comparison, people-pleasing, diminishment, and leaky boundaries.

(And we also know those coping mechanisms hold golden shadows too and are the keys to your ICONIC Identity, so don’t be gaslighting yourself, my friend.)

All this to say, we know a lot.

But I do love me some metaphors, and here are a few for you to play with.

Five Useful Metaphors

You don’t need to use all of these with yourself or your team, as that can be confusing. As ever, find what resonates for you.

1. The Imposter Complex is a party crasher, stealing the joy and celebration you’ve earned.

It’s perpetually telling us we haven’t done “enough” to celebrate. And of course, as I’ve said a million times, the ego wants to want more than it wants to get. That’s why it’s IMPERATIVE that we track our wins. Drink deeply from the chalice of all you HAVE done and been.

2. It’s like quicksand. The more you fight it, the more it sucks you in.

(I mean, I GUESS that’s how quicksand works if Saturday morning cartoons taught me anything.) The more you try to tackle any ONE aspect of its habits (perfectionism, procrastination, comparison, people-pleasing, diminishment, and leaky boundaries), the more likely another one is gonna pop up. That’s why we need to get into the belly of the beast. (Consider that a bonus metaphor.)

3. It’s a backseat driver scrambling to take over the wheel of your Formula 1 race car.

I mean, not all the time. Just at the really important turns.  One of my favorite clients said that the work I do is like a Formula 1 suit. If, somehow, the Imposter Complex DOES manage to gain control of the car and hurl you into a corner, the work will protect you.

4. It’s a quick moving fog.

You can learn to predict when it shows up, (usually on the precipice of something important, like say, a hairpin turn on the racetrack of your activation) but generally can flick on your flashlight faster when you know how it operates… and how it operates uniquely for you. Because that’s the thing…the Imposter Complex impacts us each distinctly.

5. It’s a magnet.

Depending on how you wield it, it can either repel connection by keeping you isolated or attract beautiful connection. Because what you should ALSO know is that you are in exquisite company. Go ahead and name it. And watch as the empathy and that desired connection spread and grow.

So yeah, the Imposter Complex is indeed a tameable beast. But again, we need to get into its belly to control it.

Which you can do right here in this training as we tackle Imposter Complex together, freeing you up to be the whole you that you are.

Click here for my free training:

Five ICONIC shifts leaders use to overcome Imposter Complex.


Yes, I saw the Article in the New Yorker on the Imposter Syndrome


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