In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler, featuring Julie Daley

in the spotlight with julie daley igniting the heart's desire

In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler is a weekly live show that shines a light on some of the biggest mindset challenges facing leaders and entrepreneurs today in their lives and in their work.

This week's guest is Julie Daley, an educator, writer, consultant, and leadership coach who's led hundreds of people from all walks of life to develop their creativity and authentic leadership skills. Julie guides individuals from around the world in discovering and uncovering their authentic nature as creative human beings. She offers one-on-one coaching, courses and consulting in creativity and innovation, compassion and collaboration, as well as authentic feminine leadership.


  • As young children we are often embodied, full of life, and free until something or someone causes us to question ourselves.

  • As children, we easily know the truth about ourselves and what we want. As adults, it seems to be harder to identify what we want.

  • As adults, we tend to cover up who we really are and cut off our own power to better fit into society.

  • The body remembers everything, what it felt like to be young and alive.

  • We have to wake up and live embodied, but sometimes we are afraid of our true expression because it is powerful.

  • As the cells heal in the body, our ancestry lines also heal.

in the spotlight with julie daily on igniting your heart's desires


  • The heart, when it’s awake and alive, is vaster than the body. For the heart to be ignited, you’re talking about your entire being ignited.

  • Nobody is paying any attention to me, they’re just dancing themselves. Why am I worried about it? So I started to let the joy come.

  • The body is in relationship to everything: to others, to self, to the earth, to nature, to animals… and right now, with you. Just looking in your eyes, seeing your smile, it’s like there it is again. It’s like everything is showing us and reminding us of what we are.

  • When I got shut down as a little girl, I stopped connecting in the way that I did because it was too painful. I made a choice that I would… believe the stories others were telling me rather than believe the story I knew was true.

  • Feeling your emotions, feeling what’s been stuck, feeling anger all the way to a ten out of ten…. Letting yourself have that human experience is another way you wake up.

  • I will pretend to be something else so that I am more palatable to society and culture.

  • Anything you do to cover [your true expression] up… is truly an “impostor-ized” way of being. It’s just not real. It’s not true. And then we become so afraid of the truth of ourselves that we believe the voice of the imposter. It’s dysfunctional and we believe it because we become so afraid of what we’ve forgotten we are, because it’s powerful.

  • The truth is not duality, it just is. It doesn’t even have a problem with the impostor. ...Like when you’re little, you’re just the truth.

  • Each cell of the body has the light of the divine in it.

  • We are healing a lot of that ancestral suffering and unconsciousness the more we wake up.


  • That’s the same tension: it shows up when you’re walking around the dance floor.

  • I saw a picture of my house on Google and I recognized that the picture was taken three years ago. I said to myself, “That was a blink ago.” And then I realized, in another blink, she’ll be 16. And in two blinks, she’ll be 19. And I just sat there and just said out loud, “I’m sad.”

  • You’re always that person who’s like, “Can you feel it a little bit more?” And I go, “No, no, no! I’m too busy! I have too much stuff!” And you’re like, “Can you just feel it more?” And then we do. And we cry and we laugh and it’s a beautiful thing.

  • We are so terrified of this true self that we are.

  • The truth feels like a lightness, what exists without the veils and the shrouds and the guardedness.




Each week Tanya and a guest star (an expert in their zone of genius) take on a topic that is UP in their work, or in the work of their clients. (Can’t step into your starring role when perfectionism, procrastination, boundaries, comparison, people pleasing, diminishment, and overwhelm are in the way, right?)

Listen to In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler on iTunes or where you listen to your favorite podcasts!


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