In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler, featuring Molly Mahar

in the spotlight with molly mahar

In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler is a weekly live show that shines a light on some of the biggest mindset challenges facing leaders and entrepreneurs today in their lives and in their work.

This week's guest is Molly Mahar. She is an entrepreneur, mama and adventurer obsessed with the intersection of joy, authenticity and community. As the founder of, she and her team provide thousands of women useful and inspiring strategies to practice joy through The Joy Equation Course, Stratejoy Summer Camp, and the high-level Elevate Mastermind. Molly’s superpowers? Telling the truth kindly, drinking copious amounts of bubbly and gathering awesome women together. You can access her library of free resources or connect with her (and her adorable tiny humans) via Instagram.


  • What is Joy?

  • Happiness vs Joy

  • Defining the underpinning values of Joy for you

  • How to get to joy when you feel very far away from it.

  • Finding the shorthand to get to Joy

  • Why do we struggle with aiming for joy?

  • How to feel joy when things are tough.

  • Using your guiding words for joy to make things more sustainable

  • Staying present and being able to enjoy the things happening around you

in the spotlight with molly mahar


  • Joy is the lead. It makes everything better, juicier, deeper, more aligned with who I am.

  • If you look at our schedules, our grind, and what people are celebrated for, being happy isn’t something we celebrate in others.

  • How we interact with the world through our lens of JOY is totally in our control.

  • When I experience joy I am experiencing authenticity, gratitude, and presence.

  • Happiness is a reaction to an external event, joy is the lasting part.

  • Joy is a tool and happiness is a reward.

  • Joy doesn’t hold value in our patriarchal society like success does.

  • Things feel sustainable when birthed in my brand of joy.


  • When I experience joy I am experiencing connection, gratitude, and generosity.

  • Connection is at the base of all of our desires and fears.

  • It doesn’t feel safe to celebrate or be in joy, what if I’m standing here alone and no one else shows up. It feels like we might trigger others with our joy.

  • When you’re clear on how you can create joy, happiness has an easier time finding you.

  • If we aren’t able to stand in our truth when we know what is true, how can we change a damn thing?



Each week Tanya and a guest star (an expert in their zone of genius) take on a topic that is UP in their work, or in the work of their clients. (Can’t step into your starring role when perfectionism, procrastination, boundaries, comparison, people pleasing, diminishment, and overwhelm are in the way, right?)

Listen to In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler on iTunes or where you listen to your favorite podcasts!


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