In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler, featuring Tara Gentile


In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler is a weekly live show that shines a light on some of the biggest mindset challenges facing leaders and entrepreneurs today in their lives and in their work.

This week's guest is Tara Gentile and we're talking Showing UP in Community.  Tara Gentile is the founder of CoCommercial, a digital small business community for entrepreneurs serious about making money, impacting their communities, and transforming the lives of those they love. She’s also the host of Profit. Power. Pursuit., a podcast that takes you behind the scenes of successful small businesses.She's the author of several books, a sought-after speaker, and a frequent CreativeLive instructor.


  • What is showing up?

  • The anxiety that comes with showing up

  • The intersection of the Impostor Complex and Showing Up

  • The root of the fear of showing up

  • The link between showing up and resiliency

  • Showing up as an introvert

  • The difference in showing up for yourself and showing up for others

in the spotlight with tara gentile on showing up in community


  • The answer to fInding success, influence, and power is showing up.

  • The choice we make to weigh in and to become visible, is one of the key factors to show up as an insider

  • There is no club. There is no in crowd. There are just people that are willing to show up and be visible.

  • Becoming visible feels very dangerous, but there’s not a lot of truth in that in today’s community and today’s economy.

  • This economy, this market, this community isn’t a zero sum game

  • The more you stay in the middle of the pack, the more you cement yourself in that position.

  • When you rise up out of the pack, you are in a new pack of leaders. Those leaders can take you so much further than the lurkers and observers.

  • People wait until they feel comfortable, but comfort never comes.

  • People that show up work the resiliency muscle. I’ve never seen anyone be worse for wear for showing up.

  • Showing up is a way to get support.

  • The more you show up, the more you do it, the more comfortable you get, the more resilient you get, the less it wears you down, and the more results you get from it

  • Showing up for yourself is valuable for other people.


  • There’s a profound fear that you’ll be discovered or found out, that you don’t have the answers.

  • If you get too far ahead of the pack your back is exposed, if you get too far behind you get eaten.

  • We know for us to be successful in the work, we are required to to show up to the work.

  • The party is on the other side of the resistance.

  • I’m nervous to be doing this and excited because it matters.

  • We have to calibrate ourselves. Sometimes showing up is presence, sometimes it’s putting it all on the line, and sometimes it’s opting out.

  • It’s never about changing the message it’s about finding the right frequency

  • It’s easier for us to show up for others than to show up for ourselves.

  • We often raise our hand when it will be in service of somebody else.



Each week Tanya and a guest star (an expert in their zone of genius) take on a topic that is UP in their work, or in the work of their clients. (Can’t step into your starring role when perfectionism, procrastination, boundaries, comparison, people pleasing, diminishment, and overwhelm are in the way, right?)

Listen to In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler on iTunes or where you listen to your favorite podcasts!


In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler, featuring Ronna Detrick


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