In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler, featuring Tiffany Han


In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler is a weekly live show that shines a light on some of the biggest mindset challenges facing leaders and entrepreneurs today in their lives and in their work.

This week's guest is Tiffany Han. Hand raiser and yes sayer, Tiffany Han is a branding strategist for highly-creative women and host of the Raise Your Hand Say Yes podcast and co-host of the How to be Remarkable podcast. The love child of Terry Gross and Don Draper, she crafts programs and resources that not only help female entrepreneurs be more successful in their creative business but also have as much fun as possible. In her spare time (ha!), she starts as many dance parties as she can with her husband and twin daughters. They live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Find out more at and go behind the scenes on Instagram @thetiffanyhan.


  • Branding and the Impostor Complex.

  • How branding helps us communicate with the world

  • How to find your voice?

  • What is a strong brand?

  • How to step into a bigger brand?

  • Letting the brand to do the work

  • Tiffany's new webinar Don’t Hate Your Website

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  • When we “Say Yes!” it helps us get out of the Impostor Complex before doubts start to come in.

  • Branding helps us communicate to the world what we’re all about. If you’re not controlling the message, someone else will do it for you.

  • Let yourself shine, let yourself be seen in a powerful way. We want to make an impact on the world but we are ourselves back from our full power.

  • The power we have on the world starts with our branding.

  • A strong brand shows your unique voice in every interaction you may have. Seeing 40 seconds of Bruno Mars you know immediately his brand.

  • Strong brands don’t have to always be loud, they can be very soothing.

  • Be consistent when you are communicating and how people feel when they walk away from you.

  • The Impostor Complex can also show up through leaky boundaries by asking for too much feedback from too many people that don’t matter.

  • The Impostor Complex can also show up through procrastination and making convenient excuses to put off tasks

  • By establishing your brand at the beginning you are able to eliminate so many conversations that you don’t want to have and create boundaries.

  • The deeper you go into your own voice, the deeper you go into your own brand. And the deeper you go into your brand, the right people will show up.

  • How to find your voice can be answered by the following questions: What do you really want to do? What are you really after?

  • Sometimes we have to wade through a lot of “should haves” to see the light. We must be willing to get uncomfortable.

  • Let the brand drive the work and not the individual products

  • When wanting to expand your business, focus on depth instead of breadth. Go deeper into who you are and what you want to say to the world instead of trying to add more projects and products.

  • In order to revolutionize yourself, you have to start with clearing out what’s not working.

  • It is important to find the right support or assemble your cast.

  • We hate our websites because our brand is not strong or clear enough, or we rely on the designer to figure out our brand for us and then we end up with website that is not working.

  • When we outgrow our website it can feel powerless.

  • Next time you have a thought: Just do it and see what happens.


  • We need make sure we are aligned with our inside belief and our outside portrayal

  • Branding is one of the most frightening things we can do

  • 6 coping mechanisms for the Impostor Complex and many show up when it comes to Branding

    • Diminishment: we don’t want to feel like we’re standing out or draw attention to ourselves so we dim it and diminish

    • People pleasing: we want to be all the things for all the people. You can’t.

    • Perfectionism: keeps us from being authentic

    • Comparison: we see a brand we like and try to repeat it instead of owning our own voice

    • Procrastination: put it off because no one wants to think or talk about branding

    • Leaky Boundaries: we don’t allow ourselves to stand in our truth but let other people own parts of it as well.

  • Other people’s experience with you is still their truth but it is not Capital T: Truth.

  • The Impostor Complex always shows up on the precipice of new things

  • The Impostor Complex always shows up the most when we ask ourselves what we want to be doing. It is because it feels like the biggest risk.

  • We are all evolving and we can always be better



Each week Tanya and a guest star (an expert in their zone of genius) take on a topic that is UP in their work, or in the work of their clients. (Can’t step into your starring role when perfectionism, procrastination, boundaries, comparison, people pleasing, diminishment, and overwhelm are in the way, right?)

Listen to In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler on iTunes or where you listen to your favorite podcasts!


In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler: Tanya's Solo Show!


In the Spotlight with Tanya Geisler, featuring Jen Brown