Case Study: Moving from Diminishment to Visionary with Mara Glatzel

Case Study: Moving From Diminishment to Visionary with Mara Glatzel.png

One thing I love most about my work with Your Impeccable Impact is the transformations I get to witness and be some small part of as participants work through their stories and come out the other side with a new Iconic Identity.

This was especially true of recent YII grad, Mara Glatzel.

Meet Mara. Iconic Identity: Visionary

Mara is an intuitive coach and writer, focusing on self care and sovereignty, host of the podcast Needy, and a passionate advocate for helping people get their needs met. 

By her own admission, she spent years following me, reading emails, consuming the Imposter Complex content I was putting out, and keeping an eye on what I was doing for some time, convinced she wasn’t ready for the work, perhaps, and also extremely discerning about who she works with.

But once we got on a Breakthrough Call together, it was a case of right place, right time. 

“What is really brilliant about this program that I didn't know to anticipate, was how much I was going to love the coursework itself,” Mara shared. “The coursework is really comprehensive. And it is really, really, really well done.”

Illuminating challenges and bringing them to light

Right away, Mara found the coursework illuminating things she had an inkling about before, but the work brought them to light in a new way.

Mara realized she was “not really standing in my own leadership or taking up space in my own life.” She said, “I had been just using myself and extracting from myself without any thought to what I needed. I had stretched what I gave myself, what I gave myself, what I gave myself for so many years, but I had these edges where I thought, well that's reasonably enough.”

Mara’s dominant behaviour of the Imposter Complex is diminishment, and apart from diminishing around her work and accomplishments, she was also diminishing her own needs.

Despite her work coaching others around their own self care, Imposter Complex had convinced her that she was only allowed to give herself what was “reasonable.”  (Reasonable compared to what? Or defined by whom? Imposter Complex isn’t really concerned with those sorts of details.) 

“And something happened to me during this program…” Mara shared. “On that last day, I shared about wanting 23 hours of rest every one hour of work. I'm now literally working towards that model now, because it takes so much self belief to believe, that's enough.”

Trying on her Iconic Identity

In our fast-paced world of hustle culture, internalized Puritan work ethics, and Capitalist notions of productivity, the idea that one hour of work in every 24 could be enough….That’s visionary.

Mara had to practice trying on that identity, seeing how it fit, inside the safe spaces of the Your Impeccable Impact community and coaching calls.

“The reason that I was so discombobulated inside was because I was prioritizing the perfection of the work,” Mara admitted, “and only giving myself just enough to be okay, but never giving myself enough to thrive. So I would say that's the shift that I've made over the course of the time of working with Tanya is that I'm finally really attending to what I require and it's a lot more than I ever would have allowed myself before.”

Reaping the fruits of her labours — and her rest

What’s truly wonderful — and perhaps amazing to some — is the way in which that tenderness, that tending, that rest is paying dividends in Mara’s business. And we’re not just talking about time off or hours saved, but cold hard cash.

“It is continually astonishing to me how investing in myself and my geek out joy and happiness brings greater dividends to my business,” Mara shared. “You know, since the time when we started working together (over 12 weeks), I’ve secured the amount I used to bring in over the course of 12 months.”

Even with (or indeed, because of) all her attention to her needs, her drive for more rest, her giving more to herself, Mara had her best sales month ever, and is leading more expansively, (plus some other good stuff you might want to stay tuned for).

The takeaway:

Mara’s work in Your Impeccable Impact helped her realize that, although she was preaching self care to her clients and audience, she wasn’t in integrity with how she was treating herself. 

That behaviour was diminishment, because she wasn’t listening to what she truly needed, and was giving herself just enough to keep going.

But once she saw that, and realized that she is the vehicle for her work in the world, her priorities became clear.

As she stepped into her Iconic Identity as a Visionary, she realized she needed to attend to her own needs so much more than she had been allowing, letting go of any Imposter Complex thoughts of believing it was too much, or worrying what others would think.

And once she did? Once she opened herself up to the possibilities that more care, more rest afforded her? The results were dramatic. 

By caring for herself, she was able to give more of herself to her role as a Visionary, and the results showed up in her business and her bank account. 

“Through this work, I’m getting caught up to my bigness.”

And to me? That’s everything. 

If you’re interested in exploring how you too might discover your Iconic Identity and tame the Imposter Complex, click here to book a Breakthrough Call with me. It’s a free opportunity to explore your next steps and to see whether or not the Your Impeccable Impact program will help you take them. But mostly, you’ll gain clarity.

Click here for my free training:

Five ICONIC shifts leaders use to overcome Imposter Complex.


How to Speak Up & Be Seen—So You Can Play Big & Build Your Platform


How to Get Paid What You Deserve (Without Doubting Your Worth)