Worth repeating: “We are simply better together”

This week has me thinking a LOT about togetherness and belonging. Birthdays and gatherings and how they make me feel the absolute essence of my Brand of Joy.


(This picture does a good job of articulating said joy. This was me welcoming to my home the first car of brilliant lights from the 2019 Academy for the pre-gala kickoff. Look at those fingers…can you just feel the delight? That’s how I feel when I gather my people.)

There is a universality to belonging and wanting to belong, and that's what the Imposter Complex is deeply concerned about: where we belong and where we don't belong.

Google “Tanya Geisler” and “belonging” and you’ll see it’s kind of a central theme.

In my life and in my body of work.

And of course, there is a world of difference between belonging and fitting in.

I came across my own words on this earlier last week when I was about to zig and make a decision that would most assuredly take me off course.

“I have made countless choices in my own life that have been informed by my own lizard brain: I have used a voice that wasn’t my own; shared opinions that weren’t my own; exhibited styles that weren’t my own; and professed love that wasn’t my own. Every one of these choices has led me down a path of discontent, all in the name of fitting in.”

So then I zagged with great intention, because, seriously. Who has time for paths of discontent?

And it was good.

And so, IN this thinking on togetherness and fitting in and belonging, I decided to do a thing I honestly did not think I would ever do. At least not in 2019. I decided to create a Facebook group devoted to discussions around the Imposter Complex.

Because the Imposter Complex wants to keep us alone and isolated, our job is to do the OPPOSITE. Let’s circle up.

No one needs to go this alone. In fact, no one should. Community matters. Togetherness matters.

The group is the place where I will be showing up daily to answer Q’s and help you play the game of whack-a-mole with the Imposter Complex when it creeps in. I’ll be creating videos and resources to help you rock out all that you are here to do with impeccable impact. Like...earlier this week, I did a video on Lie #4 of the Imposter Complex: “You have nothing useful or valuable to say”. And it helped.


Once a day, I’ll be there. Hammer in hand. And discernment too.

And once a week, I’ll shoot a video. Next Tuesday at 3p EST, as voted by the group, I’ll be talking about Lie #9 “It’s just a matter of time before this all crumbles beneath you”. Ouch, right?

Join us there...and tell your friends. Because seriously, the best way to overcome it is to NAME it. .

PS - If you’d like to go straight to talking about where zigging when you mean to zag is getting in the way of your impeccable impact, let’s get on a call. Head over here to see my calendar. Grab the appointment time works for you. Then you'll be taken to a quick application form and away we go.


This week on the Ready Enough podcast, I was joined by the deeply wise, deeply generous McKensie Mack. Our conversation was super rich and dug deep into boundaries, healing from systemic injustice and inequity, and will give you plenty of food for thought and room to grow if you let it in.

And if you liked what you heard, please take a minute today to share this podcast with someone who is leveling up and feeling less-than-confident. Or, leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts because it helps us reach new listeners.

Check out my free training on the 5 Shifts Our Clients Use to Overcome the Imposter Complex and Grow their Income and their Impact

Where I pull back the curtain on five shifts to start raising voices, rates, and hands all while being the kind, congruent, and authentic leader I know you to be.

Tanya Geisler