The plan’s the easy part.

Your need for planning is butting up against her need for discovering her purpose”, my therapist said as I once again tried to convey the helpless ache in my heart about our kid getting ready to launch into her post-high school life next year.

So simple.
So correct.
And such an extraordinary relief.

(This is why we work with therapists, right?)

I had been struggling endlessly to understand why I was feeling so frustrated about what was next for our daughter...and the lack of a definitive plan.

‘Cause, I eat, sleep and dream plans. I find solace in a spreadsheet and a Saturday morning checklist just may be my love language.

And when I’m not eating, sleeping and dreaming plans or being turned on by a notion board, I’m helping my clients map out the strategic plans to their dreams.

In fact, in our work, that’s the easy part. The 2% of the work I ACTUALLY do with my clients. It typically happens within our first two calls, once we get good and aligned with their vision. Shape it and sharpen it up to make sure said vision is THEIRS, true and not someone else’s narrative or projection.

We plot expanded trajectories, streamlined strat plans and lucrative I said, that’s the easy part.

Because, like our daughter, my clients are brilliant, resourceful and so-much-more-than capable. They have the charisma, the skills, the drive and the determination. They open doors and the world lights up when they walk THROUGH those doors.

But UNLIKE our daughter, they have already named what they ARE here to do. They hold that vision and they know it’s their gift.

They are not in discovery...they are in deepening...and they are here to expand into the full greatness they already recognize in themselves. And to get it DONE.

One of the stellar humans in the Your Impeccable Impact program just shared this with me:


Like this glorious client, my people want to be unstoppable as they steward world- and culture-shifting work in their organizations. To be unwavering in their commitment and activation of what they are here to disrupt. To be unshakeable as they create a legacy of excellence by being Models of Possibilities for those coming up behind them.

And quite simply: to stop fearing the success that they have been yearning for all along.

So the plan is one of logistics. Of identifying support, budgets, contingencies and timelines needed to scale the mountain of their vision.

It’s not JUST the plan that they need. I repeat: that’s the easy part.

And it also bears repeating that it’s not the drive and determination either. They already have that and consistent action is not ever my people’s issue.

It’s the confidence and knowledge that when the mountain gets steep, their rucksack is stocked with every last tool that they will need...and the BELIEF that they know how to use them. That every moment of self-doubt is old programming ready to be regrooved. That the patterns can be rewritten with a glorious new ending.

And that this mountain may be but a foothill in the mountain chain of their choosing. Should that be their desire.

That’s what I do all day every day.

And we’re gonna get started with a new Your Impeccable Impact cohort in January.

Let’s take 30 minutes to see if it’s the right place for you.

In the meantime, I’ll be over here holding space for my kid to explore what’s calling her forward, ready to map out the plan the second she says it’s time.

But for you and I? Let’s go climb a mountain.

Click here for my free training:

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