Is your pricing challenge a result of the Imposter Complex? Maybe. Maybe not.

Is your pricing challenge a result of the Imposter Complex? Maybe. Maybe not..png

I’ve been doing a ton of teaching and live training of late. Really fun teachings* with really fun world-changers (killer combo, right?)

And as ever, my FAVOURITE part of every speaking and teaching gig is the Q+A part.

It’s then that I really, REALLY get to know what’s up for people.

What I noticed pretty much across the board at every event was that the business owners in the space wanted to know about PRICING. 

More specifically, questions like:

“is my struggle with pricing related to the Imposter Complex?”

“is my struggle with pricing related to people-pleasing?”

“is my struggle with pricing related to leaky boundaries?”

“is my struggle with pricing related to diminishment?”

“is my struggle with pricing related to comparison?”

“is my struggle with pricing related to perfectionism?”

“is my struggle with pricing related to procrastination?”

My answer is generally: 

Yep, most likely.

To all.


It could ALSO be related to:

  • An enduring hangover from a toxic corporate stint.

  • Living inside systems and structures that are committed to devaluing underrepresented folks.

  • Not having great models of possibility for fair, sustainable and HONOURING pricing practices.

  • A trauma response.

  • Family of origin upper limit situations.

  • And about 567 other possible factors unique to each and every one of us.

SO, it’s an ALIGNMENT and CONGRUENCY problem.

One that doesn’t simply go away by listening to some random business coach telling you carte blanche to double your rates, or add two (plus?) zeroes to your service package prices. 

‘Cause you and I know that’s not in integrity for you. And I know that MATTERS to you. (That integrity, paradoxically, is CENTRAL to the Imposter Complex experience.)

But just for fun, let’s go ahead and run with how the manifestations of the Imposter Complex can get up in your pricing grill.

“Is my struggle with pricing related to people-pleasing?”

Possibly. Listen, you are relational. You are likeable. This is an important aspect of you. It has served you well. And it is entrenched in who you are and how (likely) how you’ve been conditioned. have an embedded belief that people will be mad or disappointed that your work is not free, given that YOU know how “easy” it is for you to do. And maybe you HAVE had an experience of having to endure someone’s disappointment. I get it. 

AND? If you are clear that your pricing is the right price, then this is a muscle you simply need to work out.

Because resentment pricing is no joke and has the exact OPPOSITE effect that you are hoping for.

Charge the right price. YOUR people will get it. And YOUR people will pay it.

“Is my struggle with pricing related to leaky boundaries?”

Could be. Part of the reason folks struggle with boundaries is related to a BEAUTIFUL value of generosity. We LOVE this about you.

AND? Many people will come to me when they are aware that they are on a pricing plateau. They RECOGNIZE it as an issue because they have a newly evolved sense of the value of their work. 

But they are at an inflection point. They know they need to charge more and just can’t bring themselves to elevate their prices. Or they WILL decide to elevate their prices, but then get wiggly about allowing the project scope to creep. Or they will overdeliver in an effort to make it “worth their clients’ while” if the inherent goodness of their work wasn’t enough. I get it.

And? A good question to ask yourself: “who benefits from me staying on this plateau?”

“Is my struggle with pricing related to diminishment?”

“How does she think she is to charge that rate?” is most likely the number one reason stopping folks from raising their rates. WHAT EVERYONE will think, right?

Best to stay under the radar.

Best to not get noticed.

Best to not call attention to ourselves.

But when we sit here, we miss the opportunity to call out clients, AND OURSELVES forward. Every time I have raised my rates, the standards I have set for the impeccability of my work has risen exponentially. And I’m here for that. (It’s what I want for you as well.)

“Is my struggle with pricing related to comparison?”

Oh it’s quite possible. Comparison starts out as due diligence. Seeing what the market can bear. Which is smart...and strategic. Knowing where your service pricing lands on a spectrum of other service providers is just good business. 

Just remember to keep your eye on the outcomes YOU deliver. Keep an eye on how YOU move. Keep an eye on what your clients experience is with working with YOU and only YOU. There is no one like you. NO. ONE.

And then get to it.

“Is my struggle with pricing related to perfectionism?”

Interestingly enough, while I’ve seen perfectionism play into pricing in a myriad of ways, I don’t find it to be the BIGGEST issue related to pricing as you are pretty sure you’re going to deliver at a high value. Overdelivering, to be certain. Nearing burn-out because your perfectionism requires exacting standards from you and you alone and so you don’t get additional support to cross the finish line, oh yes. And then some.

But perfectionists undercharging? I’ve got my eye more on their side chaser of diminishment or people-pleasing. 

“Is my struggle with pricing related to procrastination?”

A little like perfectionism, I’m more concerned about the other behavioural traits that might show up WITH the procrastination. Because I often hear folks SAY they know it’s time to raise their rates that haven’t been raised in x number of years, but they take their sweet time BECAUSE of the comparison, people-pleasing, leaky boundaries or diminishment.

There is oh so much more to all of this (a whole book in the making, as I keep saying!) but for the moment, what I’m hoping you can see is that this work is one big carnival game of whack-a-mole.



And when everything is said and done, these moles are NOT the root cause of the issues. They are manifestations of the Imposter Complex. 

AND? The Imposter Complex is actually a manifestation of the root cause of operating inside of systems and structures that like to keep some folks down. Soooooooooooo...there’s THAT.

Pay attention to the people you admire. And see the way THEY price and I suspect you’ll find that:

  • they have managed to find a way to divest from a belief that the price of their service is related to the value of their beingness

  • they have well-toned asking muscles and do not apologize or 

  • they are congruent and in alignment with their pricing

In fact, on this last point, I’ll go ahead and tell you what I tell almost every client at some point or another:

It’s not their business model, their platform or their messaging that you’s their ALIGNMENT.

And that’s what we’ve got to get right. With and FOR you. AND your people.


Apply for a Discovery Call to discuss how we can get that locked ‘n loaded.

One thing you can count on from me: I will never (ever) be the person to tell you to double your rates, or add two (plus?) zeroes to your service package prices.

We don’t do that complete lack of nuance and context game ‘round here.

But I WILL have you look deeper. And then you just MIGHT decide that doubling your rates is the right next step. (Felt that whoosh? Good.)

So go ahead and apply for a Discovery Call here

Click here for my free training:

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